Summer themed children’s stories to flood the senses with sights, sounds, smells and warmth of summer!
Teaching beginning readers to prioritize meaning: the why and the how of Prompt #1
We focus first on teaching reading for meaning, because understanding what we have read is the end goal, and what we have read previously gives context to help us solve that which lies ahead. Here are 6 ways to teach your beginning readers to ensure that their reading makes sense!
Fun activities for sorting syllables, seasons and more – through play!
Do your students know how to break words down into syllables? Do they know how to sort? Here are some fun activities for sorting syllables, seasons and more – that you may have the materials for right in your own classroom! Free follow-up linked at the end!
5 simple ways to help kids communicate their feelings
Putting emotions into words can be a struggle for many of us, even if we are proficient in communicating using language! Here are 5 simple, ways kids with a variety of language skills can communicate their feelings! #feelings #emotions #kids #socialskills #specialeducation #regulateemotions
Great books to prepare kids for Fire Drills
Looking for some great books to help your students prepare for Fire Drills? Fire Drills can cause a great deal of anxiety to those who do not know what to expect, or who struggle with a change in routine. Here are books I return to year after year that help prepare kids for Fire Drills.
The benefits of a using a visual schedule in kindergarten and early primary classrooms
In my role as a special education teacher, I’ve been seeing more and more visual schedules being used for entire classes in the past few years, and they really have their benefits!
Make sight words memorable and fun for early readers and writers!
There are so many great ways to make sight words memorable and the most successful ones are meaningful and fun! Here are my Top 5!
Tips for starting a Reading Buddies (or Learning Buddies) program in your classroom
Thinking about starting a Reading Buddies program in your classroom this year? Here are some tips and tools to get things rolling!
Phonemic awareness – hearing sounds in words with Elkonin sound boxes.
When childrenĀ learn to write, many struggle with moving beyond attempting the first letter of a word, or copying something down. While more confident students will ‘stretch out the word’, others need a more visual, concrete strategy. It wasn’t until I was teaching (and being trained in) Reading Recovery that I learned to teach students about Read More…
What are sight words, high-frequency words and Dolch words?
What are Sight Words, Dolch words and high frequency words? | #sightwords #earlylearning #earlyliteracy #teaching #ThatFunReadingTeacher