I love when picture books expand a child’s understanding of a concept. The following four children’s stories do just that. Their engaging stories show readers that many memorable and lasting gifts are not the type that can be wrapped or placed beneath the Christmas tree.
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Gifts of the Heart by Patricia Polacco
Gifts of the Heart is set in the 1930s. Trisha and her older brother, Richie, miss their recently-deceased grandmother. A new, and very different housekeeper (Kay) has been hired to help their mother and grandfather at home. As Christmas nears, Richie tells Trisha that Santa isn’t real, greatly upsetting her. Kay helps the children regain their belief in Santa and start to accept the death of their grandmother and the impending sale of the farm. Kay teaches the children the value of memorable homemade gifts and family and helps ensure that their Christmas at the farm is unforgettable.
How the Grinch stole Christmas
You are likely familiar with How the Grinch stole Christmas, but I had to mention here. This is the classic tale of the nearly heartless Grinch who is annoyed by the noise and excitement of Christmas. He believes that he can prevent Christmas from coming by stealing all of the material things related to it from Whoville. When the Who’s show him that Christmas means far more than the items he stole, his new mindset opens him up to received many memorable and lasting gifts.
Franklin’s Christmas Gift
In Franklin’s Christmas Gift Franklin’s school is having a Christmas toy drive. He cannot decide what to donate! Some of his toys are old and broken, and other are just too special to give away! Franklin thinks it over, remembering an encounter with Great Aunt Harriet, then finally comes up with the perfect gift.
Queen of Christmas
The Queen, in Queen of Christmas is Ann Estelle, a young girl who is very excited about her Christmas gift ist. Throughout the story, she adds new items constantly, until her list is longer than she is tall! She does not want to waste this once-a-year opportunity! When Christmas Day comes and ends, she realizes that presents she had so diligently recorded were not, in fact, the her most gifts.
“As we give presents at christmas, we need to recognize that sharing our time and ourselves is such an important pjart of giving.”
– Gordon b. Hinckley
Best wishes for the holiday season!
Holiday season / Christmas posts, links, teaching resources, playlists for kindergarten and primary!
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